Sharon Stone is a kooky old bat. The Basic Instinct star whose supposedly only 50 years young. Has been making a complete ass of herself for years. It's only recently has her terrible mouth gotten herself into career threatening trouble. If her psycho performance in Alpha Dog wasn't fact enough that she's off her rocker. Then her asinine comments about China's earth quake was bad karma for the treatment of Tibetans.Then before that she insulted P.Diddy at a charity insinuating he loved smoking crack. WOWIE ZOWIE. It's no wonder Dior dropped her as their spokesperson. China officially put her on the black list. Banning her movies and her image throughout the country.
Next on our list has really proved herself to be nothing more then another conformist.
Avril Lavigne made a name for herself as being the anti-Britney. Sure that's why your currently stealing songs and dancing around in a corset. We feel she's become a huge hypocrite. Her whole career she's only made a huge ass of herself. From calling her young fans lame for rocking a tie, an image she made iconic for sk8ter boys and girls in the early 2000's. Then starting a feud with Hilary Duff. Oh Avril, your sooooo tough! Picking on a Disn
ey star. That's like if Tori Spelling started a fight with Miley Cyrus. Avril's current tour is an interesting as watching two hoeboes fight over a half eaten hot dog in Tompkin Square Park minus the chance of a death. Oh that'd be epic. Oh we also hear she under paid all her dancers on this tour too. Way to go...shouldda had them sign some kind of agreement not to release such damaging info.
Next on our list has really proved herself to be nothing more then another conformist.
Avril Lavigne made a name for herself as being the anti-Britney. Sure that's why your currently stealing songs and dancing around in a corset. We feel she's become a huge hypocrite. Her whole career she's only made a huge ass of herself. From calling her young fans lame for rocking a tie, an image she made iconic for sk8ter boys and girls in the early 2000's. Then starting a feud with Hilary Duff. Oh Avril, your sooooo tough! Picking on a Disn

Now the next person we think should never be heard from again.....is that creep from the Kaboom commercials. Not that the product itself is phenomenal.( Have water stains? This junk can get it off for you and your nose)....my eyes haven't watered that much since 6th grade and I play 7 minutes in heaven with Mike....man oh man the memories.......
Ali Lohan is a new comer to the fame game. The wannabe singer is the younger sister to Mean Girl starlet Lindsay. Now Ali is much like her mother Dina. She has become a pro at spinning things in the media but will probably end up with egg on her face soon...or just unborn babies...she seems like a squally monster in the making...We know she's only 14 but Long Island Girls aren't afraid of anything including Herpes. Ali has made many guest appearances promoting her new reality show and well we love her facial expressions and her raspy voice, but according to The Post she's a diva to everyone around her. If she wants to be in the industry she needs to be respectable. We don't want you to become another Aaron Carter do we? House of Carters to Celebrity Rehab?
Spencer and Heidi the couple we love to hate....Really? That's what you wanna be famous for? Sure they are laughing all the way to bank making over 3 mill in the last 2 years for faking fights, faking feuds, faking tans and making awful music videos and cheap hooker clothes....but seriously if we continue to show interest in them as in buying the magazines they give exclusives to.....Us weekly, watching the Hills, going to YouTube to see Heidi's latest purchased pair of tits. Maybe just maybe they'll fade away. You'd think they'd just stop after they were booed at Dodgers Statium. Not this kids, they're a new breed of fame hungry rich white brats. It's like all these LA people that have money feel like they deserve to be famous, to be loved by everyone. To be paid to party. Remember when people would be famous for being an accomplished actor? Then you'd pay for them to be at your party? When did we switch that around? We hear Heidi wants to win an Oscar. Us too we hear the gold statue is the best butt plug in the industry.
Watching Comedy Central Past Midnight.....Can't recall how many times we've been woken up to steel drums and drunken teens saying "I'm only 18, wanna see my boobs" Joe Francis is a sleazy dude but ey he's a business man and just because he goes to college towns and host parties where he tricks young women to take off their clothes for 500 bucks so he can profit in the millions doesn't make him a bad guy at all. No! He's just smart but sleazy very very very sleazy. But yo that house he has in mexico is dope. If it wasn't for all his sucking up to the celebrity crowd....Kim Kardashian might not have done her sex tape in the first place....sad thought isn't?
Now people we're removing from our boycott list

Ashlee Simpson, yes we've made the lipsyncher cry twice (NO Joke). But we currently feel like she earn to be taken off the list. Her last few albums had out sold C-list sister Jessica. She has hired a lot of really awesome producers and song writers to make her decent voice sound stellar. After her famous nose job she really got her body in shape to the point her sister felt insecure, even more then John Mayer could ever do. That's probably why Jess got new tits last fall. She honestly seems really happy in her life, with a baby on the way and a new marriage who are we to hate on her anymore? She's worked too hard for everyone's love and support for us to be a jealous jerk face any longer.
Lindsay Lohan has came a long way. Sure she's still a tabloid trash darling but that's not her fault. She's distantanced herself from her father ex-con Michael Lohan and also didn't part take in her mother's famewhoring show Living Lohan. Dina may have good intentions for herself and the rest of the little Lohans but she has only came off as a lying,gold digging momanger. Unlike Joe Simpson (father to jess and ash simpson) her spinning skills are terrible. She never comes off as genunine concerned parent. But Lindsay has seemed to get her life in order and it could really pay off. Her new album is in the works and she's already finished one song written by Neyo. We believe it's called "Bossy" a hip-hop influenced danc

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